
Healing and Wisdom Expansion

The closest

Concert: Earth and Sky

February 15

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

Sacred Roots

January 31st - February 1st and 2nd

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile


Concert: Earth and Sky

A space to experience profound depths and soaring heights through the wonder of sound. Music that opens the heart and takes you inside to mysterious, unspoken worlds. Voice and exotic instruments such as Bansuri, drone flutes, singing bowls, Kodo drum, Duduk, khomus, Bao, and Zamponas.

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

February 15

Legacy of Light

This program combines ancient wisdom and quantum focus for a holistic transformation experience. Deep exploration of the being through the Akashic Records, guided meditations, Egyptian and Toltec energy movements, and the connection with the Quantum Double.

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

February 14 to 16, 2025

The Way of the White Clouds

We will be exploring the fundamental teachings of Osho, including the practice and transmission of his Active Meditations; Group processes for Centering, bringing one’s attention to the present moment, clearing and releasing past experiences, De-structuring mechanisms of trauma, Encountering one’s deep center through Vipassana and Zen practices, channeling liberated energies into positive creativity through dance, song, and sharing from the heart as meditation-in-action.

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

March 14 to 16, 2025

Tree of Life

A profound experience of encountering your own being, immersed in the spectacular nature of Southern Chile. An opportunity to heal body/mind, and heart.

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

March 5 to 9, 2025

Mystic Breath

Three-hour workshop, or a whole day to heal the body, mind, soul; open your heart, and listen to your being

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

Coming Soon

Toltec Wisdom: Awakening the flame of life

A group of 3 days, using Active Meditations of Osho to clean and clear the emotional body

Sammasati, Pucón - Chile

Coming Soon