The Way of the White Clouds

Event information

We will be exploring the fundamental teachings of Osho, including the practice and transmission of his Active Meditations; Group processes for Centering, bringing one’s attention to the present moment, clearing and releasing past experiences, De-structuring mechanisms of trauma, Encountering one’s deep center through Vipassana and Zen practices, channeling liberated energies into positive creativity through dance, song, and sharing from the heart as meditation-in-action.

Mode: Presencial

Event Date: March 14 to 16, 2025


  • Osho video discourses translated in Spanish
  • Satsang and Evening meditations with live music
  • A group of 3 days

It will be lead by Devakant, a direct disciple of Osho since 1978, who lived and worked under the direct guidance of the Master for many years.


This activity will be guided by: Devakant


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