Legacy of Light

Event information

This program combines ancient wisdom and quantum focus for a holistic transformation experience. Deep exploration of the being through the Akashic Records, guided meditations, Egyptian and Toltec energy movements, and the connection with the Quantum Double.

Mode: Presencial

Event Date: February 14 to 16, 2025


  • Connecting with the Akashic Records,  Invocation of guardianes and cosmic energies, Visualizations to connect with the Akashic Field and receive messages

  • Meditations from traditions of Egyptian Alchemy to activate the flow of universal energy in the physical body, alineate the Energy Centers and raise the vibration

  • Freeing energy blocks and healing soul wounds,  establishing a connection with the Quantic Double, Exploring the Sanctuary of the Soul

  • Guided meditations with live music, group exercises to obtain clarity in the ‘Mission of Life’, Fire ceremony to confirm and bless the manifested intentions

  • You will receive the recorded meditations,  symbolic objects and personal notebook to continue the processes initiated in this group


This activity will be guided by: Devakant


To confirm